Katherine and her baskets

Okay, this is a bit of an old picture, but we're still waiting for our damn chord to come in the mail (and batteries, too, by the way) so I can't put up any new pictures.
Anyway, about 3 weeks ago or so, we stopped at a basket shop and got 7 baskets. The two large ones goal-posting KND are my favorite, but of course they have termites, or something, in them. We brought them in the house for a few days and a fine dust collected underneath them. AND, if you were very quiet and put your ear up to the basket, you could hear them chewing away (and singing "Hit me baby, one more time" by Britney Spears, if I wasn't mistaken...oh, wait, that was me).
Anyway, a good tip was given to us, and that is to put wood/wicker etc. things that you buy in a refrigerator overnight and any creepy crawlies will die. Unfortunately, we don't have a freezer large enough for our lovely, termite-infested baskets, so they are currently banned from the house to the porch, like an intemperate (or incontinent, perhaps) dog. Anyway, that's about it for me.
Katherine seems to be too damn busy to update y'all on her life from her point of view, or maybe she just doesn't like any of you. Actually, she's off visiting 3 kittens that were born 6 days ago at a colleague's house. I think we may be getting a kitty sometime in the near future. I think the kittens are having the same effect as when she sees a baby or I see a beer, it makes us want one.
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