The flowing robes, the grace, the baldness...striking!

Here's the IT guy named Vout, then named Mong during his week as a monk, and now named Vout again at work this morning. All very confusing. But he was a bit dismayed to find out that we had to get new ID pictures taken today because he doesn't currently have eyebrows.
I thought the cane and the purse was a nice touch....actually, the golden bag is for friends and relatives (and sucker foreigners) to give donations that go to the temple for building and maintenance. I think I gave more than enough, but it was so damn hot that day I basically reached in my pocket and gave all the money I had so I could run home and get into AC.
That and my love for the temple and its upkeep, of course.
By the way, I asked Vout how the week went, and he said "I was hungry," because as I think I said before, monks are not allowed to eat after noon.
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