Rest in Peace, Sophie.
We just heard that Jak's friend Sophie died about two weeks ago of an unknown illness. One of our guards reported that he saw Sophie eating/playing with a snake a while back, and she was sick for a while after that, but who knows what the ultimate cause was.

Even before Jak came into our lives and our house, Sophie was always hanging around. Looking for a playmate, maybe.
We'd come home and she'd be lounging on one of our porch chairs, or under it, but she was always too skittish to let us get too close. Fickle cat. She'd avail herself of our yard and furniture, but was too good for our affection.
So we've known Sophie for a long time, and then she became Jak's best friend. Her death has left Jak without a playmate (besides us, of course), which means that he doesn't use as much energy in a day as he used to, which means that he's turning wilder again. Jak still goes outside to look around for her, but she hasn't been around for about a month. I think he's lonely.
Anyway, R.I.P. Sophie.
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