I got no strings to hold me down!
I feel like Pinocchio, and Blegz is my Gepetto. A fancy wireless router and wireless card arrived in the mail the other week from Gepetto, and we finally unpacked it from the box and hooked it up this weekend. Because I am computer illiterate, Jon had to come over and help me out.
You can just make out the confused look on my face as Jon does magic things to make the router work.

And there it is, in all it's glory, next to our pretty computer. It's even got two, count 'em, two antennae. How cool is that?
Plus, I now have a picture of our blog on our blog. Blows the mind, no?

However, I have just let all the nogoodniks in Vientiane know that we've got great swag in our house and they should start casing the place. There has been a large increase in home invasions here, with laptops being the item of choice among thieves.
Jon and Rose lost two laptops last week when some punks broke into their bedroom and snatched them. They were downstairs watching TV at the time. Strangely, the stupid thieves didn't take the $250 in cash that was sitting next to the computers.

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