And on to Shoreview for the last stop on our whirlwind tour
We left the Cabin with Diana and Alan on Tuesday night so they could catch their flight on Wednesday morning. Shoreview was chock-full of activities, including Joseph's graduation from pre-school. The most PRESTIGIOUS pre-school in the land.

We ate suckers at a pizza place.

We helped the Steils open up their pool for the summer. The water was cold, but I did go in. Katherine sat on the sidelines and provided commentary.

One night we left the kids at home and went out to dinner with Sarah and Scott and Maren and Chris. We sat out on a deck at the restaurant until chased inside by rain. Chris and I enjoyed many Newcastles.

So that was our trip to the US. While we enjoyed every stop on our frenetic tour, we both decided that packing and unpacking that many times is a chore, and will only be made more so when we've got a kid in tow. As such, we are happy with our plan to spend 2 weeks of our home leave in Vieques, and will likely hunker down in one or two places on future visits back to the US. I mean, come on, if we fly halfway around the world just to get to the US, the least you jackals can do is come see us wherever we land. We're worth it.
Speaking of Vieques, we are still taking reservations for April 1-15, 2007. Full pool privileges and crying kid included in the package rate.
Today has been a lazy day. We got home and kind of hit the ground running, so when a friend invited me to go golfing today (6:00 am departure) I politely declined. Katherine left the house briefly around 10:30 am today, but I am happy to say that I haven't even stepped outside onto the porch.
It's a relatively dismal day, overcast with intermittent spitting rain. We talked about heading out for dinner, but it is looking more likely that I won't have to put pants on at all today.

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