So I've been hit with the flu that is going around the embassy. I blame these guys.
Or maybe my neighbor, who had the flu over the weekend, I don't know. Anyway, today was mostly sleep, followed by nap on the couch, followed by TV, and now time to sleep again. Hope to go to work tomorrow, but we'll see.
On a more sour note, our neighbor across the street was robbed yesterday. Punk kids, probably. Or not. Their back window was broken and the bar pried open. They lost a bunch of jewelry and other stuff. And I found out tonight an Embassy guy was robbed yesterday too. Seems the people knew where to go, because a 100 lb safe was taken from his bedroom closet.
Anyway, we are now seeing swarthy, theiving, no-goodniks in every shadow. I'm not worried though. We have a killer watchcat protecting our home by sleeping all day. Not unlike me, currently.
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