A wall at Chhmar that has seen better days.

Honestly, foreigners #12 and #13 since May 1. Incredible.

Although this guy wasn't very impressed with us. I almost walked through him, but luckily noticed the distinct web pattern before swinging my leg through. The place was also infested with centipedes and millipedes, which sound sort of cute, and make good '80s video games, but in reality are poisonous, and their bites pack a whallop. We escaped unscathed.

As we were sitting and enjoying the solitude and grandiosity of the site, a group of young Cambodians from Sisophon, a town about 2 hours south, joined the fun. I guess we were as much of a draw as the ruins, as they asked me to be in about 2 dozen pictures with them. Katherine captured this one as we were lining up for picture #17 or so.

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