The night continues
Xeng; A part-time employee, full-time student at the Lao American College, and one of the coolest cats in Laos. The guy exudes cool, and he doesn't even know it.

Dinner included a dish that, in local parlance, is called Nak Hong Tai Din, or Underground Singer. In the US, a band or singer that is considered 'underground' would be someone working their way up, trying to break out, only the cool kids know about them, exchanging concert dates on myspace or some other online venue I am not aware of.
In Laos, it means fried crickets.
Really, really not tasty. Okay, the taste wasn't so bad. But the texture (granted, I picked a big guy to be sure) and the filling left something to be desired. I guess I'm just not cut out to be a bug-eater. I gave it my all, though.

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