more shoe pictures
When we arrived, the guys were playing a little pickup soccer at their indoor space. Note the lack of shoes. Of course, cleats probably wouldn't help much here on the concrete, but they will at their regular soccer field down the street.

Everyone lined up calmly by relative foot size. The littlest kids were not there that day, but we had plenty of shoes to leave for them to get later. We started by going smallest feet first, but the whole enterprise soon devolved into barely-controlled chaos...but in a good way.

The scrum. Katherine held her own, though.

We had a tough time getting a good group shot, although I think this shot is probably the best of the bunch, better than the more organized one I posted earlier. It was hard to get everyone to pay attention to the group photo, as they were too busy admiring their new shoes and their neighbors' new shoes. Very cool.

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