Katherine had a little project this afternoon. Saran wrap around the bannister. Cutting edge interior design idea straight from Vientiane, you say?
Sadly, no.
Our new boarder Jak took a header about 15 feet from the top of the stairs to the bottom...straight down. He fits nicely through the slats and was on the dangerous side this morning when Katherine started down the stairs. He lost his footing somehow and plummeted down. All I heard was a thud, followed by a scream. He was in pretty bad shape. I figured he'd broken his back. He wasn't walking, or making noise, but then kind of shuffled a few steps then stopped.
So we woke up our vet and brought Jak over to see him. No broken bones, no internal bleeding, but a damn sore paw. He got a shot (of some sort, not really sure what it was) and was pronounced semi-healthy and given a 100% chance of survival.
Anyway, so we've saran wrapped the top of the bannister as a temporary fix, and I think we're going to get some plexiglass to put up there for a while until he's too big to fit through. Dumb cat. Doubly dumb because as Katherine was putting the saran wrap up he was trying get through to get a look.
Because he got such a good bill of health, we went golfing anyway. Re-enactment, a la America's Most Wanted, to follow. Rest assured that Jak is fine, and is currently asleep on my shoulder.
You know guys, I don't think it's very dignified of you both to conceal your abusive parenting practices. Your lack of honesty disgusts me. If you are not careful you will be in BIG trouble. If there are anymore of these viscious lies about the wellfare of your kitty, I will be forced to report you both to the proper authorities. Actually, I suggest you visit the website below and add your names to the list, given your heinous actions.
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